Sunday, February 22, 2009

A Walk to Walmart

a quick note: I got a call from my dad who told me that I hadn't blogged in four days and he was counting... he specifically said he was going through withdrawals. That cracked me up. It's nice to know that my dad is one of my biggest blog fans and he really does read it all the time. It definitely makes it worth doing, although right now I have to choose between blogging and sleep...
Dad, here is another entry for you! :)

We got out of the house on a beautiful day (Saturday) and went for a walk to Walmart. It is right around the corner from our house and there is a golf cart path that leads up to it. Drew rode his bike, I pushed Dilan in her stroller, and David helped Drew get up and down the hills. We actually went into Walmart to purchase some necessities, not wanting to stay there long, and walked back home. It was nice to get out, get some exercise, and stare at the wonder of our four-person family. How fun it is to have a boy and a girl and to see how happy it made Drew that we took time as a family all together. He kept saying he was using his big strong muscles to get up the hills and lately he has been saying, "I need attention..." But he loves his sister and thinks she is so special. :)


Phillips Family said...

Nothing like a nice Saturday walk to Walmart...a place where dreams come true.

Kirwin said...

Thanks for my fix! Great pics. Love, Dad

Kirwin said...

Also, you need to update your family photo on this site to include Dilan!

Wendy said...

What a sweet big brother! Is it weird now that you have children, which is plural for child???

Johnson said...

I would have chosen sleep. There is nothing more valuable during htis time. Good job blogging though. I am sure your dad appreciates it. And we all love hearing abotu how you are doing.

Spencer said...

So did you really take Dilan on the walk? There doesn't seem to be any picture evidence. Just looks a bit like the 3 of you took a walk while you put her down for a nap. Just kidding, of course, but I was looking forward to more pictures of your whole family ... and then Dilan was missing from all pictures.