Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Here at last!

Finally, at 10:23PM EST, baby girl Pistorius came into the world. She was born a healthy, 8 lbs 12.9 ozs and was 20.75 inches long.

She was born with a full head of black hair, and a healthy set of lungs. I thought newborns cried, but not as loud as our little girl. I guess she has lungs so she can keep up with her brother!

Kinsey is doing well. She only pushed for what seemed like 10 minutes and then the baby was born. 4 sets of 2 pushes to the count of ten. So literally, Kinsey pushed for about a minute and a half, and the baby was born.

She had her arm snug up against her chest, so she got caught a bit at the end. Once the doctor pulled her arm out, she can out, nice and smooth...

The labor lasted from before 9:00 am until after 10:00 pm. Nice one on the 13+ hour labor, Kinsey!

The labor was so intense for our little girl, that when she was born, she actually came out, and her entire face was bruised. Her little cheeks, chin, and forehead were a dingy grey. It actually took the nurse to realize this, because the rest of her body was such a healthy pink!

It started to fade a couple hours later, and I think by the time we bring her home, she'll be completely better!

Insert tangent thought here~
When her head came out, the doctor split her fingers two to a side (think the Vulcan death grip from Star Trek) and grabbed the baby by the head. She pulled, not so gently, and I actually had visions of her pulling the baby's head off... Not a pleasant thought to have run through your mind, but seriously, that is how hard the doctor was pulling.
Back to reality~

The baby came out with a bit of a fever, 101.4 and so the doctor told us they would start running tests to determine if it was caused by the environment and long labor, or if there was some infection. I asked the doctor to take her temperature again about 5 minutes later, and she had cooled off to 97 degrees, so I'm not too concerned about it.

They took her away to draw some blood for the testing, and after a little convincing of the doctor on my part, they allowed me to come with them. I did get to rub her feet to comfort her while they stuck a needle in her artery to draw some blood. She did very good, and with a little sugar water on the lips, she barely made a peep. When she did cry, I just put my lips against her cheek and kissed on her. This seemed to help and she didn't cry too much after that.

So you'll notice that throughout this post I have referred to the baby as "the baby", or "our little girl", not calling her by name. That is because we don't yet have a name picked out for her. Right now, we are leaning towards Dilan, but somehow that just hasn't sat right for Kinsey and I. Anyway, we are continuing the discussion... Maybe we'll just put Baby Girl on the birth certificate, and for her 8th birthday, we'll let her choose her own name! This is just too much pressure to pick a name that will shape a child's entire elementary school experience!

Anyways, please excuse the tangent thoughts and miindless rambling. Its a bit after 2am, and I'm exhausted!

We'll post pictures tomorrow!


That girl said...

Thanks for giving me something fun to read at work. Congratulations! I am so excited to see this sweet little girl. Hope Kinsey is feeling okay.

T said...

You're a good daddy Dave! Sounds like an exhausting day, and you still post. Thanks! We have all been waiting to hear. I am glad 'babygirl' is healthy and that Kinsey is doing okay. Don't worry about the name. It will come to you. How is Drew doing? Shell shocked?

Lyn Homer said...

Congratulations! We are so happy for you and can't wait to see "babygirl"!

Johnson said...

Congratulations you guys. Thanks for keeping us updated. I am excited to see pictures!

Louise said...

Congratulations ya'll! Can't wait to see the pictures of your sweet baby girl!

Melanie said...

Congratulations Kinsey & David!!! So fun to hear about your day as you were living it:) I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of Baby Girl Pistorious!

Jenkinson Family said...

Yay! We are so excited for your family. Great posting! Can't wait to see her. Glad all is well.

Elieson Family said...

Yeah! Hooray! So happy for you! 13 hours is NOT fun! I sure hope recovery is uneventful, and that she is a good, good, good, good.... SLEEPER! All my love guys!
p.s. Jen and Slade NEVER decide on names the day they're born. In fact I think two of their three were named after they'd been home a few days.

turlington clan said...

Congrads! cant wait to meet her. aiden had the same thing happen to him so im sure her bruising will go away. Good job Kinsey, hope your doing ok.

Clayfrogger (a.k.a. Delores) said...


Sounds to me like she already has her daddy wrapped around her finger. Nice to have a dad love her so much. What a lucky little girl to have such a loving family.

The Henry Family said...

Wow, good job on the blogging David! That was the most detailed description of a birth I have ever heard a father give! VERY IMPRESSIVE! Glad to hear baby girl Pistorius is here and healthy! We can't wait to see her cute little full head of hair! Congrats you guys!
~Ryan & Laura

Jessica Simonsen Howard said...

Congrats Kinsey and fam. I can't wait to see pictures.

Denisondays said...

Congrats! Sounds like it was quite a day! Thanks for keeping us all posted. We are so excited for your family and can't wait to see you guys with your new little addition!
She looks so precious!!
Shelyse and Matt

Amy Pratt said...

Congrats Dave & Kinsey...she is adorable!! We are excited to have a new little cousin/ niece!!! Love and miss you all!