Friday, October 24, 2008


My friend, Laura H., tagged me (by the way, I think tags are a lot of fun!) so here are 7 weird/interesting things about me or that have happened to me:

1. David and I have never had a Christmas tree is the almost 8 years we have been married, nor have we ever spent a Christmas at our own house. We are always at our family's home for the holidays which is what we prefer.
2. I was a drill instructor in the band my senior year of high school - yes, I taught freshman how to march and play their clarinets at the same time!
3. I always played "school" when I was little. I loved that my grandmother worked at an actual school and gave Keely and I all her extra supplies like real tardy slips, attendance sheets, etc. My mom said I loved playing 'teacher' and she saw that I wanted to become a teacher and steered me away from that because they didn't make enough money (my mom was a teacher for years). Little did she know, I'd become a therapist and let's be honest, some teachers make more $ than what I got offered coming out of graduate school.
4. I played on an intramural flag football team in college and then David and I played on a team with both our brothers (and my sister's boyfriend at the time) right after we got married.
5. Everyone was in the room with me when Drew was born - the list includes David, my mom, my sister, my mother-in-law, my grandmother and yes, even my Dad! It was such an amazing experience that hopefully, we can have a repeat when this little girl is born.
6. At the age of 27 (and david being 25) we purchased our very own burial plots - I think that is kind of strange! We may not own much but we do have two very nice pieces of land in a cemetery in Texas.
7. I never like to see a movie twice - it's totally boring to me if I know what's going to happen next. So, we never buy movies (except for Drew of course) but rarely see movies either.

I am supposed to tag 7 people so I decided to tag some of my new Georgia friends who blog to find out more about them: Tiffany W., Jenise C., Laura J., Jaimee K., Shelyse D., Melissa T., and Lyn H. If you've already done this one, no worries; it's just fun!


The Henry Family said...

WOW! You really are an "INTERESTING" individual! JK. Love the drill instructor. You must have been one cool kid in high school. Thanks for being a good sport and doing the tag!

Wendy said...

nice to learn new things about my sis-in-law! you forgot the part about shopping at 4am on the day after thanksgiving!!! j/k when are ya'll coming to texas?

John and Laura said...

Can I tell you how much I miss having you close? I can't wait to see you in December!!

MawMille said...

Yes, I remember you playing school. You used to read to your imaginary students and show them the pictures in your book. So cute....