Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

Drew's preschool did a small pumpkin patch yesterday, and I went to capture it all. It was fun to see him with his classmates and his teachers. Again, I was the only parent there for the occasion. Where I realize this is not a huge event, I think any event is special when it comes to Drew. In addition, this is the luxury I have as a stay-at-home mom - getting to be anywhere he is at anytime!
So, Drew and his schoolmates did a bean bag toss, ring toss, played with hoola-hoops, and got to pick out their own small pumpkin to keep. They also went inside to read Halloween stories and pose for a picture in the wooden cutouts of a scarecrow. It was fun to see him at school and he enjoyed me being there. He actually did much better when I left, simply waving to me and saying, "Goodbye, Mommy!" We are excited about his Halloween Parade, sing-a-long and party at his school on Friday!!!


Jenise said...

It is so nice to be a stay at home mom for all the little reasons like seeing your kids at school activities like that one. Or what ever they do. I love it. You don't have to miss out on anything. After all, raising your children is the most important thing right now.

Lyn Homer said...

Drew is so lucky to have you at all his activities. Those are the kinds of things he will always remember. You are such a great mom!