Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Georgia Resident

Yes, it's official... I no longer have my Texas driver's license. First of all, it expired this summer and I had to get a new one. Of course, by the time it expired, I was in Georgia so I figured I would have to just succumb and get a Georgia driver's license. Mind you, I never did get a Utah license in the three years we lived there.

But I wanted to show all of you the building in which you go to get a driver's license in Fayette county where we live. Yeah... looks totally shady; mostly like a barn which is how one of my friends here so accurately put it. Anyway, it was only 20 minutes to get the whole thing done, and I got the license right there on the spot, new picture and all. So, now I have absolutely no proof I'm from Texas... On another note, I did register to vote here in Georgia so that is all taken care of and once again, it is official somewhere (in case my family conveniently forgets) that I AM an organ donor. :)



I hate going to get a drivers license!! I just lost mine and had to go get it replaced..nothing like a ID photo when you are 8 1/2 months prego!! Its hideous!