Tuesday, September 30, 2008


HELP! I need help... seriously. Drew was potty-trained during the month of July when we moved to PTC in this little temporary apartment Cooper had put us in. Once we moved to the house in August, he totally regressed and will go #1 on the potty no problem with no accidents but not #2. Everyone told me that takes longer, but he was doing it and now he's not, two months later.

I've tried pretty much everything - getting the cool potty seat to sit on, even the stool to match, the big celebrations, chocolate/candy as a reward, even now I've bought toys for a "goody bag" which he can choose from when he poops on the potty and even though he says he wants the toys, it hasn't worked yet at all. Even the idea to let him clean himself up, let him be uncomfortable in it, even following him around from room to room so he can't hide from me to do it! And now, he's figured out after his nap, he can poop in his underwear because I don't know he's awake yet.

So, let me tell you why I need help... I am getting totally frustrated and I am downright upset each time he goes in his underwear or pull-up. I've tried talking to him and having conversations with him and what comes out of me is just frustration and sometimes anger. I don't want to be so upset with Drew but I admit I totally am. Does anyone have a suggestion I haven't tried??? I am seriously going crazy with this...


DMB said...

He sences the other sibling in the picture. And because your tummy is getting bigger and he can phyically see it... he holding back. Aaliyah did the same thing when I was prego with Adyson. I know exactly how your feeling I remember getting so mad at her. Just keep trying and don't give up!! I had to read Aaliyah's body languge and ask if she need to go all the time. Have you tryed a potty training book that you could read with him?
That help us out so much.

Another heads up he might do it again when the baby is born... so prepare yourself if he does.

DMB said...

Yeah this is Jenny not Derek.

MawMille said...

Have a potty break every day BEFORE he goes down for his nap. Make sure you do it EVERY day even if he says he doesn't need to go to the potty so he knows it is going to happen and won't argue with you about going. Make him sit for at least 10 minutes. Give him a book(s) and close the door. Tell him it's time for him to poop and that you don't want him to do it in his pants when he wakes up. Good luck. Mom

Robyn said...

I've been working with Emily too. It's true they know a big change is coming and regression happens! It's really frustrating! For a few days I would take her every hour or two- it was exhausting but she's doing great a month later. I use a potty chart that she can put a sticker on and when she fills that up she gets a "bigger" treat. She also gets two mini M&Ms after washing her hands. I have a stash of small toys to bribe her with too. For a while she would see Cheer Bear and know she couldn't have her until she pooped on the potty, which she did recently. Now it's a Handy Many toy waiting to be played with. Good luck- stick to it though, consistency is key!