Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Drake is here!

After 17 hours of contractions, I really wanted my epidural. I was at the point where I was grabbing the side railing of my hospital bed each time I had one. The doctor wanted me to wait until she was ready to break my water and luckily that coincided with me being at my limit. So, around 1:40 p.m. I got my epidural. Still not a pleasant experience, I was happy to have it. Then, around 2 p.m., the doctor broke my water. At that point, I was dilated to a 4, and then around 4 p.m., I was dilated to a 7, then 4:30, an 8 and when she came back in a little after 5 p.m., she tested my pushing skills to see if I could deliver this baby now. Sure enough, it was time!

I have to say I usually average 3 contractions to push my babies out and I did this time as well, but I definitely had to push harder. The difference this time as well is that I could feel a lot more - the epidural was not as strong. When the baby came out, the cord was wrapped around his neck so tightly, the doctor said David couldn't cut the cord because she had to cut it right then and there. Then it was imperative I had to push the baby out now. So, when I did, he went limp and was blue. Apparently, he took a breath but wouldn't take another one. The doctor told my sister to turn the video camera off (which you only do when things could go wrong) and she stood up rubbing his chest trying to get him to breathe. I don't think I could see much of what was going on which was good for me because I was unaware of how scared it was making everyone in the room, including my sister and David. They were both pretty shaken up afterwards but Drake starting breathing at the right moment and then she put him on my chest and the tears flowed. We are so happy to have this big boy with us - 9 lbs 12.5 oz and 20.5 inches long! All is well now and hopefully, we get through this first night together okay!


Melanie said...

9 lbs 12.5 oz... are you kidding me?? That is crazy Kinsey!!! Congratulations. You are my hero. Welcome Drake.... we can't wait to meet you!

Johnson said...

Sheesh! That is so scary. Glad everything is ok. Wish I was there to bring you guys a meal and hold that precious little boy.

Jenkinson Family said...

So glad everything is okay! So happy for your family. Enjoy him:)


so scary!! What a big boy!! Congrats you guys!!! Try ti get some sleep..he he he..you know you wont!!!!

Mandy said...

Congrats Kinsey and David! Wow, sounds like an exciting delivery. So glad everyone is well. So funny that he and Deven were so close in age and weight :). Can't wait to meet him!

Jenise said...

WOW, what a big boy! I am glad everything is going good. I can't wait to see a picture. I wish I was there too!!!

Phillips Family said...

Wow, sounds like things were a little crazy!! Ah well, happy things are good now. Congratulations!!! And just think, you have the newest member of BYU's offensive line in your arms.

Rufener Family said...

Congratulations! I am so glad that everything is okay. And you are all doing well now. How exciting to have him here!

Kristine Pratt said...

Congrats! So glad everything is ok, what a scary experience!

Wendy said...

So glad everything is ok! I still can't believe he was so big! Can't wait to see my newest nephew!

Kristen Sheranian said...

Wow what a big boy!!! I am glad everything is okay. That would have been a scary few moments. We are so happy for you guys! Good luck with the recovery! Can't wait to see pictures!

Sherie said...

Yowza. What a weight and what a way to come into the world. He's going to keep you on your toes!! Congratulations! I'm so glad that everything is going well now.

John and Laura said...

Glad everyone is healthy! He is adorable. Hope you feel back to normal soon!!