Tuesday, October 26, 2010

and on and on and on and on...

Going on 14 hours of labor now, Kinsey has had the petocine drip going now for about 2 hours, and the contractions are getting bigger and more frequent. She is getting more miserable and actually a bit grumpy! I can't complain since I'm not in charge of having the baby!!!

The doctor is supposed to come back in and check Kinsey and break her water sometime in the next 30 minutes or so.

Hopefully, after the water breaks, she'll progress quickly and we'll welcome Drake into the family (although Keely's husband's birthday is tomorrow, so we know he's rooting for Drake to take his tim!)

More updates to follow...


Johnson said...

Tell Kinsey she can be as grumpy as she wants. This baby is coming before tomorrow! Hang in there Kinsey!!

Melanie said...

Thinking of you!!!

Kristine Pratt said...

Poor Kinsey! You would think by her 3rd she'd labor way quicker. You guys are in my thoughts and I'm excited to hear more updates.