Wednesday, October 13, 2010

David's 33rd birthday!

David turned 33 yesterday and after work, we took him to Outback Steakhouse for dinner. He had ahi tuna for an appetizer, filet mignon for dinner and the kids did pretty well for him to enjoy it all. :)

Dilan and Drew coloring while waiting for the food
Once we got home, David got one picture with the kids before Dilan went to bed - it was about an hour past her bedtime at this point (which is why her hair is a mess!)
David's traditional Baskin Robbins birthday cake - mint chocolate chip ice cream with chocolate cake inside. Because David is playing on a work soccer team this fall and Drew is playing soccer as well, we went with the soccer ball theme!
blowing out the candles
David had lots of wonderful birthday cards to open - he has a lot of people who love him! :)
Drew took this picture of me and David - we got him the new Halo Reach game, a new shirt and tie that Drew picked out, and a new Sony Blue-ray DVD player to go with his new surround sound system.


Amy Pratt said...

Loved the video w/ Drew singing his heart out...Dave you look too happy to be turning 33. But, I LOVE the cake...wish we were there to eat it all with you!!!

Phillips Family said...

Happy birthday Dave. Hope all is well, despite Texas not having a good year.