Friday, October 30, 2009

Walk through this world with me...

The title of this post is also the title of the song my dad and I danced to on my wedding day as well as the song my sister and my dad danced to on her recent wedding day. It's a very sentimental song for all of us and makes me think of walking through this world with our children and sharing all of the special moments with them.
Well, we literally went on a walk this week - Drew asked me if we could all go on a walk - Drew with his baby and me with Dilan in our strollers. So, I broke out the stroller that looked like his and we went walking. It's going to get too cold for this soon, so how could I resist? We must have been a sight to see people! a cute sight that is. He has been playing with his cabbage patch doll lately. Giving him his bottle when Dilan gets hers, putting the baby doll down for a nap in his bed when Dilan is put down for her nap in her bed. It's pretty cute. The funniest part is when Dilan picks up the baby doll's bottle and tries to drink from it.
Last night Drew came into our room and asked me, "Mom, what's this?" He proceeded to pull down the pants of the doll and there was a signature on the bum! Have you seen this? It was Xavier Roberts - I guess the doll maker? - and when I told him the name, he said it must be the name of the baby. So, now the baby's name is Xavier (although I believe his original birth certificate said Keith Cullen). Anyway, we have a matching cabbage patch girl doll to break out when Dilan gets a bit older - can't wait to see the two of them playing with those together!


Larissa@Just Another Day in Paradise said...

So jealous that Drew has a cabbage patch kid...Spencer has never been down on getting the boys one. Party pooper.

Jenise said...

Too cute!!!

Elieson Family said...

That is so sweet. Cabbage Patch dolls are awesome. There was one Christmas my sisters and I each got one. And good luck with writing - two points for Bro. Wright huh? I never did write down that 100 things list. But man oh man did I hear about it A LOT!

Kirwin said...

Beautiful song for a beautiful family. Thanks for the memories.
