Thursday, October 29, 2009


One of my goals in life (dating back to college when my institute director asked us to write down our 100 goals in life) was to write a book. In regards to my profession, you would think I would write some therapy book or something to do with mental health but honestly, it's all been done.

In thinking about what really matters to me, I have been focusing on preserving our family history lately with organizing pictures, videos and memorabilia. I feel like it is my responsibility to do this for the kids since they are young and can't do it themselves. It is part of the reason I do the blog and write down stories they will be able to have in the future. I have done family history interviews but I admit I am not a good journal writer, so all in all, I've decided I want to write my own history down in a book - a memoir of sorts.
I figure my childhood, college memories and first (almost) decade of marriage have come and gone and should be written down now, not later. There's always time to write more as the years pass. But I'm doing this for my kids - what I would give if my parents would write a book about their lives (hint, hint, mom and dad). I figure I will bound a copy for each of my kids and give it to them as part of their family history.
So, I started writing today - 3 pages already! Wish me luck!!!


nicole said...

Wow... that's wonderful!! What a treasure that will be for your kids someday. Good luck!

Jenise said...

I haven't been on the computer very much lately. I had to catch up on your blog. Love all the pictures and all the exciting events you've had. I can't wait to see you guys. I know you have a lot of people to see, but I have pretty much nothing going on that week except for seeing you and your wonderful family. Oh and tasty tasters is that Tuesday if you want to go.

T said...

Go for it Kinsey!! I think that is awesome!

Rachel said...

Good for you! Adam and I have that same problem. We didn't even journal anything from our wedding day... so sad!