Monday, October 26, 2009

Look Ma, I got a KAZOO!!!

So at school today, Drew's teachers thought it was a great idea to give him a kazoo... Interesting enough, he can hum a NUMEROUS amount of church songs! So, for our family night, Drew kazoo'ed an opening and closing song for us! Enjoy, and appreciate the fact that this isn't your kid!!!


T said...

I love it! Very creative! Didn't ever think I would hear that song done on a Kazoo ;0) !! Great job Drew.

nicole said...

Too cute!! Good idea to let him be the star of fhe. :)
We have actually banned all kazoos from our home. After they ALL got one from a birthday party, and they were playing them simultaneously, I just about went NUTS, so the rule was implemented for my sanity! ha ha!

Rachel said...

That's impressive! Way to go Drew!