Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Trunk or Treat anyone?

Last night was our ward's trunk or treat. They had everyone bring a soup to share, then had a program where the Bishopric had to sing Miley Cyrus' "Party in the USA" except they changed it to "Praying in the MTC" in honor of the Bishop's son going on his mission soon and it was hilarious! Then, the kids did a parade through the cultural hall in their costumes and then we went outside to do the trunk or treat. Drew loved it - his favorite part was the candy of course. Luckily, he wanted to be Thomas again this year and we already had the costume. I bought Dilan's costume on clearance after Halloween was over last year (knowing we were having a girl) and it is the cutest pink jaguar costume with a tail and even gloves that look like cat paws. It was a great practice for Halloween this weekend!


nicole said...

This is the cutest picture of all time!! Love it!

Elieson Family said...

Look at Dillan's eyes! so cute!

Elieson Family said...

Oops, I mean Dilan. Sorry!