Wednesday, September 30, 2009

SHOW ME THE MONEY $$$$$$!!!!!!!!!

So, finally, after selling 2 kidneys, part of my liver, receiving experimental drugs, etc... I don't owe any more money to my beloved institution of higher learning... That's right, suck it, I don't owe you any more money!!!

Finally, after a short 16 months, all my student loans are paid off, FOREVER!!! No more borrowing for me, we're finally in the black!!!

Of course, only because I went to Rice have we been able to pay off the loans, but that is beside the point right now!

We feel very fortunate to have been able to spend the time, effort, and money and for the circumstances we are in.

Thanks Kinsey for your help in getting this done and paid off!

Next up... Weekend in Vegas for me, perhaps this post was a little premature????


Melanie said...

Ok - I think it is adorable that David takes a part in your blog, Kinsey! Jared doesn't even look at ours - LOL! Congratulations... we are going the complete opposite way from that right now - I can only imagine how good it feels:)

Kirwin said...

Congratulations and well done. Perhaps as a sign of good omen and being a part of the Drouet family, your ole fasha in law won a $1,150 jackpot at Delta Downs Casino yesterday!

Johnson said...

That is awesome. Good job you guys.