Monday, August 31, 2009

Date Night

The Waukesha ward has an activity every month! In August, they had a night out for all the adults. But it wasn't just any night out - it was a fancy dinner where you dressed up and we were able to choose a steak or chicken dinner. There was an incredible cheese spread as we arrived (of course we are in Wisconsin so the cheese had to be good) and these "prom" pictures taken. They had dinner and dancing but we didn't quite make it to the dancing part. We dropped off the kids at someone's home for the youth to babysit. We got incredible babysitters but when I called them after dinner, Dilan was crying so hard I could barely hear them over the phone. She was so tired and was having a hard time with anyone else putting her to sleep, imagine that? She has been my difficult sleeper from the beginning. But David did shed light on the positive side that we got 90 mintues for our date night and we'll take it. The food was delicious, the atmosphere wonderful and we were able to meet more people in our ward and socialize. The next ward activity in the month of September is a 5K on Labor day so be looking for us to be running that one! :)


The Schaefer's said...

Sounds like a great fun. Glad you guys got out for a least a little while :c)

nicole said...

What a great picture of you guys. Isn't this a great ward?! We couldn't go to that activity, but we'll see you for the 5K run!