Monday, August 17, 2009

Houston Summer Trip

The kids and I went home to Houston for two full weeks this summer. First, we got to see my dad and my grandmother. I saw my grandmother's new house she is living in since my grandfather, Pop, died in January and my dad took me to Pop's grave so I could see it for the first time (since I couldn't come home for his funeral because I was two weeks until my due date with Dilan). My dad and Drew went fishing together with live worms which he had never done before!
Then, we spent the weekend with David's mom and we were able to see David's older sister, Lisa, and her kids. Drew had a great time with his cousins and they each got to meet Dilan (Lisa had come for Dilan's blessing). It was very sweet how much interest they had in her and how much they wanted to hold her. I was able to attend and help host my sister's bridal shower while my sweet mother-in-law watched Dilan and Drew. She did great with them and then we were also able to attend church with her while we were home.
The next week we spent at my mom's house in Lake Jackson where my brother and his family came for the weekend. I also got to see my good friend, Laura E., who is pregnant with twins! This included eating at Chick-Fil-A which is heavenly because we don't have those up here anymore (compared to living in Peachtree City where Chick-Fil-A started and we would frequent with the Challis' quite a bit!). While with my mom, we swam and played and Drew was so attached to Lacey. We also spent a day at my brother's house where we swam at their pool and Drew attended Lacey's swim lesson with her. We got to spend a day at the beach with my mom and Sam (her hubby) too.
The last few days we spent at my sister's house hanging out and talking wedding stuff of course. I was also able to go to a dress fitting of hers. We did so much and saw so much family and it was a wonderful trip!


Johnson said...

Sounds like a fun trip. Cute pics!