Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Driving along on our family vacation

This is just a funny picture of Dilan that I took to show what she was doing during the drive. She puts her toes in her mouth often and talks to me by grunting as I think she was doing at the time. I sat in the back seat in the middle of the kids to keep them entertained and so David could drive safely without having to tend to either one of them. The nice thing about having gargantuan "bubbies" (as the NJ housewives call them) right now is that I could feed her while she was in her car seat - yes, it was quite the picture. I tried to keep people from looking with a cover but after a while, I just didn't care anymore. Hopefully, some truck driver out there got a good look! :)


Shanan & Shannon said...

Oh Kinsey, that's a hoot. Thanks for the mental image!!!