Monday, August 17, 2009

6 months

Dilan is 6 months old! We can't believe she is half way through her first year already. She is almost sitting up - she'll sit up for some time and then once she leans to get a toy, she falls. So, she isn't quite there yet but she's working on it. She loves fruits and not so much on eating her veggies. In fact, we have a spitter! Yes, she spits it at me and all over I must say if she doesn't like it or want it. She doesn't like squash much, but her favorite fruit has to be prunes and she loves bananas too. Dilan went to the doctor to get her check-up and she is 26.5 inches in length (75th %tile), and 16lbs 7 oz (55%tile). This is a major improvement from her check-up at 4 months. She made up a lot of ground and is doing great on eating. She actually slept through the night for all of last week! We are hoping this is not just a phase so we'll see. She is predominately formula-fed now because I am not producing any more milk - I still nurse her about 3x/day but she never gets enough to eat so we move onto the bottle and she is just happier that way. She laughs and giggles and loves to watch Drew and Beva especially whatever they are doing and wherever they go. We love this little girl - she keeps us smiling every single day!


Kirwin said...

Happy 6 month birtday, Dilan! PawDee

Jessica Simonsen Howard said...

She is so cute!

Candace said...

She sure is super cute Kinsey!! They grow so fast I can't believe it's been 6 months already!!