Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Potty Time!

Hooray! Drew went "pee pee on the potty!" Yeah, so this is a big deal for us considering he is already 3, has not been the least bit interested in the potty, and just plain and simple, has not been remotely ready. So, I always had it in my plan to start this process when we moved because I would be home full-time to really spend the time doing it plus people tell you with big changes, kids can regress so there was no point to do it beforehand. Now, don't get me wrong, we have put him on the potty, but he just stares at himself saying, "My penis not working," and hops off. Hysterical...
Well, yesterday we had him in his Thomas underwear and he was actually sitting in time out (we've also had a lot of those lately) and he comes running out saying, "I need to go potty!" So, I took him immediately and low and behold, he went! It was marvelous and he went 3 times total last night. It was quite the accomplishment.
Immediately upon "peeing in the potty" he said he was ready to get Edward. You see him holding Edward here. Edward was a train he had but he lost (we think on one of our lovely trips to HEB) and we told him when he went potty for the first time, he could get a new Edward. So, David looked up a toy store and we all went last night to get him. Drew slept with Edward last night and took him with us today to the movies. Anyway, we have a happy boy and happy parents and we are officially on the road to potty training.


Shanan & Shannon said...

Who Hoo!!! Congratulations to both Drew & Mommy! Cole didn't start until he was 3 years 2 months. So, we understand completely. Now he's a pro and tells EVERYONE about his accomplishments; most people play right along and get really excited for him too! There's never a dull moment with these boys, huh.