Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Favorite Song

I tried to get Drew to sing another song on video. So, I engaged him in a conversation about it and he started singing. His favorite song is "kind and dear" as he likes to call it but it is really titled, "I am a child of God." We like to sing to him as he lays down to go to sleep and at this age, he is singing everything along with me. It is so precious and one of my favorite moments of the day. On another note, he is successfully potty-trained now.
Enjoy the video! :)


Wendy said...

So precious! He is doing so well talking! I can't believe how big he's getting! Isn't it time for a visit to Houston already? We'd love to see you guys! Congrats on potty training--just in time to start over with the new baby!

Kirwin said...

i think he's ready for a 'boy band'! He's too cute...


First of all I love that you had a post on Omarosa...she is such a WITCH!!! I cant stand Drew is adorable! Last....I hope you are feeling okay..pregnancy sucks!

JahnkeFam said...

Very Cute:) How are you feeling? We miss you guys!

Wendy said...

Hey Kins! Thanks for the memories! I vaguely remember when we went on a walk---did i let you borrow some tennis shoes? I remember all our talks that we had when my brother was at school and you'd come over after church and hang out with me and my mom! good times! there's so many more--family dinners, birthdays, just hanging out at my mom's... and many more black friday early morning shopping to come!!!!