Monday, July 28, 2008

Drew and his companion

Here are some pictures of Drew and Beva. In the top one, he is choosing to feed her by spreading her food everywhere on the floor, which she loves to be fed by people rather than eat out of the bowl any day. The bottom picture is Beva licking Drew's feet which is totally gross but something she likes to do. They are quite the pair, these two. Luckily, he has someone or something to play with because he gets so bored all by himself. Drew loves her even though he still has a hard time with the "v" sound and calls her "Beba."

The other day he was chasing her too much and she let out a yelp. Drew got a time out for what I felt was obviously playing too rough with her but then Beva went to his door where he was crying in timeout and she wanted in! She wanted to rescue him from punishment and was very worried about Drew because he was so upset. That's what I get from trying to protect her! I guess she can hold her own then. Beva turns 5 years old in a few weeks... happy bday Beva! :)


Wendy said...

Nice picture with Beva licking Drew's feet! I guess you know they love each other when they let the other do that to them!