Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Marriage... Anyone?

I've been tagged by Melanie and I think these are fun so here it goes:

How long have we been married? 7.5 years

How old? I just turned 32 and David is still 30 - he loves the 4 months where he is two years younger than me!

Who eats more? uh... probably eat the same really but he is eating more ice cream than me lately! He is addicted to these cookies 'n cream Klondike bars I got recently! :)

Who said "I love you" first? David did for sure.

Who is taller? David but not by too much!

Who sings better? David - he likes to sing in the choir and such. I am just NOT a singer. But I have surprised myself - I do sing to Drew whenever he wants. He doesn't know how bad I am just yet.

Who is smarter? David is smarter. He doesn't have to study near as hard as I do for things. I work really hard and that has furthered me in my education and in life.

Who controls the T.V.? We both do. We like to watch shows together so if there is something the other doesn't want to watch, we'll tivo it and watch it another time.

Who's temper is worse? I would say mine I think.

Who does the laundry? I do.

Who does the dishes? Whoever doesn't cook!

Who sleeps on the right? I do. I picked that side when we got married because it was always the side I slept on with my sister. I tried sleeping on the other side once and couldn't sleep real well.

Who cooks? Me mostly.

Who is more stubborn? I think we both are. I would like to say David is more stubborn than I am but that is just my perspective.

Who admits they are wrong first? Me for sure. I want to make up quickly and I hate when David is mad at me.

Whose parents do you see more? Well, the last two years we have lived with David's mom but on the whole, we see my family more often. My family is just always getting together plus more of them live closer together.

Who has more siblings? David has 4 siblings; I have 2.

Who has more friends? Used to be me but lately with business school where David made some really good friends, I think we are about equal now.

Who wears the pants? Let's face it, ME!