Sunday, January 3, 2010

Drouet cousins

We were fortunate on our last night in Houston to meet up with my cousins on my dad's side. He has one sister who has two children and we spent many summers at our grandparents house together. Casey is on the far right and he was the youngest cousin on that side. Then there is David and Lars in the middle with Heather (our other cousin)'s husband and oldest child on the left.
The girls - Kinsey with Dilan, Courtney (Casey's wife), Heather (our cousin who is a year older than us) and Keely
We played rock band at Casey's house - David is lead singer here.
Keely with Maddox and Drew. Drew loved playing with Maddox who is 6.
David and Drew on the drums and me on the guitar.


Phillips Family said...

Rock Band is the funnest game on the planet.