Monday, February 21, 2011

Cub Scouts - WEBELOS

I am currently serving as the WEBELOS den leader right now and surprise, surprise, I'm loving it! I only have two boys right now but two more are coming in next month. I even get to wear a boy scout shirt with patches and everything. This is a picture of our blue and gold banquet last Friday where the theme was Knights of the Round Table. I was able to bring Drew with me and let him see what he'll be doing in another two years or so. I know I am supposed to learn this program because I have two boys that will be doing it. Slowly but surely, it's starting to not sound like a foreign language to me, and I am getting the jargon down. Scouts has some very committed people to it, that's for sure!

But how could a program that has you earning badges and checking off a big list of things to do not totally be up my alley? It really is a fit for me and hopefully we will just keep accomplishing badges together, those sweet Webelos and me. :)


Kristine Pratt said...

I am so terrified for callings like this! You are always so great to love a new challenge and love what life brings!