Thursday, February 17, 2011

Valentine's Day Party

Drew had his Valentine's Day party on Monday afternoon. Unexpectedly, David came home for a late lunch as Dilan was asleep and I was rocking Drake. So, I took full-advantage and chose to go to his party by myself (I was planning on waking up Dilan and bringing them along). I sacrificed being able to stay the whole time with two little kiddos in exchange for about 20 minutes one-on-one time with my oldest son. It was well-worth it. We had time to make a craft together and for me to pay all of my attention to him. He was very happy to see me, and I continue to fulfill my goal of never missing anything he has going on (including his V-day party 4 days after giving birth to Dilan and his Halloween party 3 days after giving birth to Drake). I love this boy!!!

My special Valentine
Drew and classmates at his table
Making our craft
We made a bumble bee together with paint pens. Loved my time with Drew!