Thursday, March 3, 2011

4 months!

Drake is 4 months old now! He weighed in at 15.5 pounds and is 25.5 inches long. 75th percentile all the way around.

The second doctor went back to the original diagnosis of a hemangioma on his neck. But he did say it should stop growing at nine months to a year and start going back down until it goes away. That made me feel better that I had a time limit on its growing period. I don't think it's grown much in the last month but it definitely hasn't gone away. If it stays the way it is, no worries but we just have to monitor its size.
Drake is such a happy baby - he gets tons of kisses all the time because he is so so cute! He is also weaning when it comes to nursing because he is needing more milk as he gets bigger. He knows it doesn't really come from me like it does from the bottle so no wonder he is making his choice early on. I feel a little rejected because I'd like to give him the milk I do have, but I also feel the bottle is easier on all of us so I am letting it go slowly but surely. We sure do love this little boy!!!
Drooling is an all-the-time occurence now!
So cool in his shades


Phillips Family said...

Good looking kid!! I imagine he is well liked at church and amongst women of all ages.

Kristine Pratt said...

what a cutie! I hope the bump doesn't get any bigger...

Johnson said...

Too cute. That first pic is so adorable!

Jenise said...

It was nice talking to you the other day. I miss having you around. Drake is such a cutie! I hope all stays going well. His smile is the cutest.

Mandy said...

So adorable. Bald as a bowling ball, too, huh? Can't wait to meet him one of these days...