Sunday, March 13, 2011

Drake's "Bump"

Okay people, so many of you are wondering and I would too, about Drake's hemangioma (also formerly known as a swollen lymph node). Here are some pictures I took so you could see what I've been talking about.

Now, if you choose to leave a comment, tell me honestly: it is what you thought it was? bigger, smaller? worse than you thought, better than you imagined? I'm curious and it won't hurt my feelings to know what you think. I had sent a videotape to my family and it was bigger than what they had thought, and it actually made me feel justified in worrying as much as I did.

Tried to get the side profile shot:


Kristine Pratt said...

From the side picture, I really couldn't tell, but looking at it straight on it is bigger than I thought it would be! I would be worrying for sure, you are completely justified. I am just glad that it WILL go down and you don't have to worry about this forever!!!

Johnson said...

I would agree that from the back it more noticeable. I think you had shown a pic of it before, and I remember thinking that I couldn't see exactly what you were talking about, but these shots definitely show it more clearly. I think I would be feeling all the things you are. It would worry and bother me but I would also be thankful that it wasn't worse. He is 100% adorable!

Phillips Family said...

Wow, it is like an orange on a tootpick!! It is like Sputnik!! Just kidding. If it were on our kid we would have freaked out a lot more than you guys did. You guys have great kids and should be super proud.

Kristen Sheranian said...

Wow I would have been worried too! I always think the worst is happening! I am glad it will get better! Your kids are so darling! I can't believe how big they are getting. I am also so jealous of your spring weather. We still have tons of snow on the ground. I am looking forward to the spring. Thanks for commenting on our blog. I am so bad at keeping up with everything. You are so great at keeping updated! Well we love to see what you guys are up too!

Anonymous said...

First, I just have to say how much I love the second pic of Drake with his daddy. That was a sweet moment captured :D I didn't think it would like what it does. I thought it would be more of a golf ball, not a little mound, where it is not a definite ball. I can completely understand why you would have been concerned as you are a wonderful mom and love your children very much and want their best. Because he is so young, I think it's fine, because he isn't in that active stage where he's walking and running around with other toddlers. I am glad to know that all is well and it's just something that is more of a nuisance than anything else more serious. Hugs to you!

Denisondays said...

Hey there! Your family has grown so much since we last saw you guys! What a CUTE family! We need to try and come visit you guys and catch up! I would agree with you. I would be worried too. You can't help but worry when you love them so much!