Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Drew's first homework assignment

Drew's first homework assignment (they give homework on Mondays that is due on Fridays) was to write a story introducing himself to the class. He was to mention interests, pets and summer vacations, etc. He was allowed to write it himself or dictate it to me. He can write a sentence or two but because it was a story, I let him tell it to me and I wrote it down. Then, he was to include a picture of himself and he chose this one we took over the weekend at the state capital. Love this boy!


Phillips Family said...

At first we thought, "Wow, Drew has great handwriting!" Then it dawned on us that he was in Kindergarten...we stand corrected...nice handwriting Kinz.

Kristine Pratt said...

So cute! You are going to be so on the ball with his homework!