Saturday, March 1, 2008

Pizza Night with the Wrights!

We had so much fun going out for pizza with Jennifer, Nathan, Sara and Maria. Drew has a blast getting together with Sara and Maria and this night was no exception. Here the kids are taking a picture outside on our way to dinner.

Drew and Maria were literally born only 6 days apart. Here they are riding around on a Texas blanket with Sara pulling them.

Jennifer and I have been friends now for 14 years. She was in my wedding, my escort through the temple, and in so many other memories of my life. We truly have a special and dear friendship.


Jennifer said...

i miss stephanie. we haven't seen each other in 5 years or so but are planning on a date this summer in dallas.
we'd love to see you sometime this summer. can we arrange to meet you? we will be in austin and dallas in july. what do you think?

Kinsey Pistorius said...

that would be so cool - july is when we are supposed to be moving but at this point, I don't know what is going on with david's job. he graduates in may and we were planning on being relocated right after july 4th but we haven't gotten the final details. I would LOVE to see y'all and will let you know if we will be in texas at that point.