Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Interview with a 4 yr old

On Sunday, the Primary Presidency gave me a paper entitled, Mystery Person. It has about a dozen questions about Drew that they want to know because he's new and then they spotlight a child each week. (We used to do this when I was in the primary presidency up in utah - good memories!). So, on the way home from church I asked him the questions and this is how it went:
1. What's your favorite holiday? Christmas
2. What's your favorite flavor of ice cream? Chocolate
3. What's your favorite primary song? I am a child of God
4. What's your favorite color? Brown
5. What's your favorite food? Macaroni and cheese
6. Do you have any pets? a dog named Beva
7. What color are your eyes? Brown
8. What color is your hair? Light brown
9. What's your favorite tv show? Thomas
10. How many brothers/sisters do you have? 1 sister
11. Where were you born? a hospital (this is when we tried to teach him again that he was born in Utah after we cracked up at his very reasonable answer)
12. What is your favorite treat? Chocolate (see a trend here?)
13. What is something special about you? my body
Yes, we teach him that his body is special so this cracked me up that it was his answer.

Also, we were in the car yesterday and my radio was not working. Drew suggested that maybe it needed a new battery. Then, he told me he had an idea. He told me that Handy Manny could fix our radio! Then he told me that Daddy could fix it because he has tools. Sorry, David, but apparently you are second in line to Handy Manny when it comes to fixing things.
Having these kind of conversations with this little boy is so much fun - he continues to amaze me what he learns and picks up along the way.


T said...

That was so cute! We miss you guys and your cute kiddies!!

turlington clan said...

haha that is way too cute! i really love the handy manny comment. that just cracked me up!

gavin said the same thing the other day. the chair in the kitchen broke and he said "i can fix that. ummm let me go get squeeze. she can fix it".

they are just so funny, the things they say!