Friday, August 1, 2008

What went wrong?

Okay, for those of you who use for your blog background, I am having a problem one of you might be able to help me with. When I change my background, I lose ALL my blogs on my blog list! I spent over half an hour retyping them in the other night. HELP! How do I change the background but not lose anything on the right side of the page??? :)


Candace said...

the exact same thing happened to me and I can't help you...i'm looking for the same answer. I feel your pain!!

Hilarie said...

the only answer is to not use pyzam. i know it sucks! it is in the way the code is written when you change the html code and replace it with the new code from pyzam. you have to go to a site that says you won't lose that stuff. is the best one i have seen but i think they are going through some changes right now with their new website. you might have to wait a day or two for them to get the site back up. but in my opinion - never use pyzam for blogger and copy all your code to a word document before you erase it if you ever change your background - just in case - so you can change it back if needed without loosing everything. :)

i wish i could help you more... and good luck! :)

hope you guys are doing well! drew looks so happy in his new bedroom with all his toys back!