Thursday, August 28, 2008

Painting like Panda Bear

So, Colleen (David's mom) gave us a copy of Uncle Buddy's favorite book when he was Drew's age called Panda Bear's Paintbox. Uncle Buddy is what the kids called David's brother, Mike, who passed away 5 years ago. Since none of our kids will actually have memories of their uncle, it is up to us to share our memories of him with them.

In honor of Mike's birthday this week, I thought we'd get Drew a paintbox of his own and paint a picture just like Panda Bear, the character in Drew and Uncle Buddy's favorite book.

just getting started

the colors are so nice until he starts mixing them like Panda Bear and of course, everything turns black...

final product!


Monson Family said...

I love this post! It made me cry to read it. Buddy will always be greatly missed!!!