Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Last day....

So, yesterday was my last day at my office. I was originally scheduled for 10 hours of therapy straight but of course, I had a cancellation and one no-show, went over with someone else, did phone therapy for one person who forgot the appointment as well... but my last day at my private practice has come and gone and now I am finished! I felt sad to let go of some people and at the same time, I feel good to have some time off for a while.
What is my plan? Not sure exactly... my plan is to get pregnant but that may not be someone else's plan (just started trying last month) so the backup plan is to maybe open a practice in Georgia and work when Drew is in pre-school. But the greatest part of it all?... I don't have to work. We are finally at the point in our lives where we have been striving to get for all these years. It is definitely going to be worth it. Anyway, for now I am officially unemployed! and so is David until later this month... :)


Jennifer said...

how nice to have so many options. in France they would tell you, 'tu as l'embarras du choix' which is a great expression which means you are spoiled with choices, that it will be difficult to choose because you have so many good options. thats a nice position to be in, especially after all these years of studying and working! enjoy the time!

Shanan & Shannon said...

congratulations! Unemployment is very very fun and nice. Have fun baby making...oops, did I just say that?!?