Monday, June 30, 2008

Friend update

So, everyone knows my greatest challenge in moving to a new area is finding friends. I am the kind of person that will get down if I don't. Usually, I find my friends at work or when we were in Utah, it was school and also, our neighbors, but here it is going to be more difficult. Not working gives me no support system there and being in a temporary apartment, you can forget about meeting people really. So, I went to church on Sunday with a definite goal... get involved as soon as possible and make some friends. Actually, the Peachtree City ward should be commended - SEVERAL people came up to us and introduced themselves - they were all so very friendly. I made it a goal after church to go up to the RS president and ask about the playgroup. Instead, she came up to me! So, I did get some information about the playgroup here but apparently, they have difficulty getting a lot of people to attend. WOW, that sounds all too familiar. But I told them, I didn't care if only one person showed up, I'd be glad. So, I got an email this morning that the playgroup goes to the park twice a week and even to this 'jump for it' place. Bottom line... Drew and I have actual plans tomorrow - who hoo!!!! Things are looking up... :)


John and Laura said...

Hope you have a great time!! I'll be thinking of you when I go to the YMCA. :)