Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Church Basketball Injury

David was playing church basketball last Thursday night (as he does every week) and called me to tell me he was on his way to the ER. A head wound that bled like crazy he tells me. He got all glued up and came home and took Friday off resting from this injury. Make note that this is not his first injury from his Thursday night basketball games at the church but definitely the worst. He will be on the injured players list for at least two weeks.


Amy Pratt said...

Looks like you are following closely in Dad's footsteps....injuries and church basketball...not a good mix with the Pistorius men! Take it easy..and remember you're an OLD man now!!!!

Shanan & Shannon said...

trying not to chuckle. Boys will be boys! I guess they never grow out of bragging about their "boo-boos!" Put a spiderman band-aid on it and seal it with a kiss...that seems to make everything better-:)

Kirwin said...

looks like Karla Faye Tucker hit him with her axe....

Damon Drouet said...

what a douchebag!

The Schaefer's said...

Church sports are the bane of every LDS wife...I'm sure of it. I made Harry stop playing years ago because he kept getting injured. I told him that he had a real life to live and this "fantasy" church sports life was impeding his real life. He occasionally plays church softball, but nothing else.

Phillips Family said...