Thursday, February 9, 2012

Dilan Turns 3!

Dilan had such a fun birthday! One of the things she was able to do today was eat peanut butter for the first time. Because David is allergic to nuts, our kids cannot be exposed to them until they are three years old. So, here was Dilan's first peanut butter treat and she liked them. No allergic reaction followed so that is a good sign. We are aiming for no nut allergies (besides David) in our home hopefully.

We waited until David got home from work to open her birthday presents from the family. Thanks to all her extended family for sending cards, calling her, and sending gifts! I wrapped them all as they came in and she had fun opening each one.
Keely and Lars came in town last weekend and gave Dilan the Strawberry Shortcake pillow she has been asking for since before Christmas!!!
We took Dilan to eat out at Chili's for her birthday. She ordered a cheeseburger and fries and dipped them both in Ranch dressing. Yummy!
They brought her a dessert and sang loudly to her - it was a bit overwhelming for her. :)
We went home after dinner and opened presents! First gift from PawDee was a new Strawberry Shortcake movie! She was pretty happy about this.
Then, Drew gave her Raspberry Torte. She has been wanting her since Christmas.
A butterfly-shaped Strawberry Shortcake tin purse from Drake. Drew has one of these that he puts his "treasures" in or his $. So, he immediately got his out and gave Dilan her first dollar. What a sweet brother he is and a generous one too. MawMille was touched by his gesture so she matched Drew's dollar and even threw some change in for Dilan too.
Dilan opened up a Princess Hopper from Uncle Damon, Aunt Amy, Landon and Lacey. Can't wait to see her on this thing!
A Hello Kitty suitcase from MawDee (the last two times we were in Walmart she oohed and awed over these and would roll them around wherever we went. She is excited to have her own pink luggage!)
MawMille and Popo (seen here on Facetime) gave Dilan her Princess DVD player. She loved it and spent a majority of the evening watching a new movie on it with her new pink headphones. She said things like, "Mommy, this movie is beautiful."
Dilan and all her new toys for her 3rd birthday.
Another present from PawDee was the Strawberry Shortcake Berry Cafe - she LOVED it and began playing with it immediately. We joined in on the fun! (can you tell how tired we are???)


Lisa said...

spediSO cute! You are the Bomb, Kinsey! And my hero- getting this all uploaded on the same day! One day.......We love you all!!!