Friday, February 24, 2012

The Dallas Zoo

Some friends had a great idea with the beautiful weather this week to head to the Dallas Zoo. So, I mustered up the energy to go with the two little ones yesterday and it proved to be a great outing. Even though our friends didn't show until we had been there a few hours, we had so much fun even by ourselves.

Drake and Dilan as we entered the zoo
(it was 80 degrees outside so I know my mom will be proud I remembered Drake's hat!)
Dilan in front of the elephant statue
Look at that little boy's grin -he is so precious!!!
The elephants were so accessible, you could see everything they were doing
The Lion on top of the rock
Coolest zoo exhibit ever! This was set up so the last part of this jeep is a place were the lion can sit and rest and the front part of the jeep is a place kids can sit and pretend to drive (separated by the glass of course). When we got there, the lion was sitting in it but Dilan wasn't really too keen on taking her turn in the driver's seat. No matter, it was an awesome shot anyway!
Giraffe feeding! You can buy lettuce leaves to feed them so they get very close.
Drake watching the giraffes
This was also neat - the giraffes were mixed with the zebras and some ostriches too!
The best part of our fun were the penguins and seeing them this close. This lone penguin loved the attention he was getting by swimming so close to the glass. The kids were going crazy and Dilan was following him everywhere. It was so cute!
She also liked the big coy pond.
Drake had fun petting the goats - it was just like grabbing Beva's fur at home! He also got knocked over by a few goats because it was feeding time. :)
Dilan's had her first pony ride! When we saw them, she immediately said she wanted to do it and so we did some other things first just to make sure. When we were leaving, she mentioned the ponies again so I had to go back and let her try her first pony ride. She loved it and was very soothed by the calm of the horse. A definite memory!!!


MawMille said...

OMG! Just so cute! Loved the pic of Dilan on her first pony ride and JUST a precious sly grin on Drake's face. And YES, I'm thrilled that you covered that blonde head of his! Miss them and you sooo much!

Johnson said...

Drake is turning into a little boy and just keeps getting cuter and cuter. Looks like a fun zoo. I would have met you on time.

Phillips Family said...

The zoo is always a fun place. Looks like your kids loved it.