Monday, August 8, 2011

Train Tracks

Drew rejoined our family after being gone an entire week at my mom's house and we were back to making train tracks. Dilan missed playing trains with her brother and Drake likes to crawl and climb over the tracks. It's a win for all three of my kiddos! Plus, I get to use a creative side of my brain, help make the track itself, and enjoy the play time.

I have to admit my blog and life are pretty boring lately - we aren't doing much but trying to settle in here in our new place. We've been able to see old friends who live here (from high school, college, graduate school) but not really making any new friends in our area yet. I know it will come but I feel there is more pressure to connect with people this time because it's a permanent move. At least we aren't in a permanent place yet and things can still change if we want them to (although I really like the area we chose to live in). It all just takes time... for life to become interesting again. :)


T said...

So happy for you to be back in TX! Headed out to see my sis in October. Hopefully it will have cooled off by then! Can't wait to see your new adventures!

nicole said...

I'm so excited for you Kinsey!! What a joy to be back home with all your loved ones. You sure influenced a lot of people for good as you made stops all over the country, lol- but it must be nice to be getting settled back home. You are missed! xo