Friday, August 19, 2011

Meet the Teacher, Mrs. Baker!

We were able to meet Drew's 1st grade teacher last night. Her name is Mrs. Baker, and she was very nice and friendly. We think she's going to be great for Drew! He was able to sort his school supplies, pick out his cubby for his backpack and things, sign up for his "assessment" (why does this make a mother nervous?) and get a lot of information.

Drew is actually not going to the school we are zoned for but one a little further away from us. He was "wait-listed" (who has heard of such a thing?) because there are so many 1st graders and not enough teachers. So, he is going to another elementary in the district that did have enough room for him. The positive side is that the school is a mile further which means Drew can ride the bus and that was his favorite part of school last year. What boy doesn't like riding the school bus? Since we are temporary here, I have no idea what school Drew will be attending next year so it really doesn't matter as long as he has a good experience which I think he will.

His school is called Cottonwood Creek Elementary and they are the Colts! We already bought him a school t-shirt too.
Mrs. Baker and Drew in his classroom
Took Drew and the kiddos out for blizzards afterwards
Drake had bites of his first mint oreo blizzard - he liked it and kept screaming for more