Monday, July 11, 2011

Time at the Lake

My dad's side of the family got together for a crawfish boil and then we headed to the lake for a day.

My grandmother with my three kids and some cousins!
Me, Drake and MawDee (stands for Mama Drouet)
MawDee and all her great-grandchildren (Dilan was not cooperating)
Crawfish time!
Keely, me and our two cousins on my dad's side
Drake and Uncle Lars at the lake house
Me and Dilan and Drew on the boat
Couldn't resist this picture of Dilan on the boat
Drew and my dad on the boat


Kristine Pratt said...

Great pictures and a fun time. Kinsey, you are looking great, your hard work is paying off!

Johnson said...

That crawfish boil sounds so good!