Saturday, July 23, 2011

Made it to Dallas!!!

After 22 hours of driving half-way across the country, we made it to our final destination, our new home in Dallas. It wasn't easy but we did it. On Thursday, we packed the biggest truck you can drive full of our stuff and still had a lot left over. So, David had to get another truck on Friday and we filled that one too. Friday morning we had the last minute idea to call my Dad to see if he could come help us drive the second truck to Texas. And he dropped everything to do that for us. My Dad was on a plane that night and we left Maryland Saturday morning. I drove the van with the kids, my Dad drove the smaller truck while pulling the trailer with our second car on it, and David drove the monster truck.

About 2.5 hours in, a tire on the trailer busted and we were stranded at a gas station in Virginia for 3.5 hours waiting for someone to come fix it. Not ideal at all considering we didn't get into Knoxville, TN, until midnight! The next day went okay until lunchtime when my Dad said he wasn't feeling well. He had 102.5 fever! Once his fever broke with some meds, he pressed on and we made it to Little Rock, AK, that night. Monday was easier as we drove into Dallas around 4 p.m., got our keys to the new place, and David started unloading. The problem was that my Dad got worse at that point and plain old Tylenol was not bringing down his fever. By the evening, his fever shot up to 104.5 and I was off to the ER with him! Luckily, it was a viral infection and not anything worse. We left the hospital at 1:30 a.m. and went home. David has some great friends who came to help us unload the truck - we could not have done it without them that night - they also watched our kids while I was gone.
On Tuesday, David hired some guys to unload the rest of the stuff into storage, and I (and the kids) drove my Dad back to Houston so he could rest at home. Then, I came back to Dallas on Thursday to get more settled into our place. I actually really like this smaller place - I don't mind it like I thought I would. Something about simplicity.
Finally, to top off the week, my best friend from middle and high school lives here in Dallas and she came to visit us on Friday. She brought this awesome cookie cake which we loved that read, "Welcome Home to Texas!" that about said it all...


Kristine Pratt said...

What a frustrating move! Why do bad things happen when you know you made the right decision?!?!? I'm glad you'll be settled for awhile and back home with support.

Phillips Family said...

So happy you guys are back in Texas...the world feels right again.

owner said...

Wow~impressive with the marathon running~and you look so great, too! Isn't it funny that moving never goes smoothly~well, unless someone else is moving it and paying for it. I never realize how much junk we own until we have to fit it in a truck. Then I unpack it all and am disgusted with myself for packing something I wish I had thrown away or given away. Can you tell this still bothers me?! I'm so glad you're all settled and close to family/friends~it's so great, isn't it?!

Sherie said...

Ok, I'm not really sure why the post I left you above says 'owner', but it's really me, Sherie! Miss you!