Thursday, August 30, 2012

Meet The Teacher - Preschool

Dilan starts pre-school this fall and she was so excited to meet her teachers today. She literally ran into the building only to hide behind me as we walked into the classroom. She acted shy at first and then once she warmed up a bit, she didn't want to leave. Dilan found a puzzle of the lion king that she put together over and over again avoiding the requests of pictures that I and the teachers wanted to take. But I'll get more on her first day of school Tuesday. Dilan also checked out her bucket which had a beach ball in it just for her to take home. The teachers had written on it, "We are going to have a ball this year!" It was very cute and this little girl could not be more ready to go to school!
Dilan and Ms. Meredith
 Dilan in front of her bucket and holding onto her new beach ball