Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Nannie and Uncle Lars come to visit

Keely and Lars came this weekend to visit us. We mostly took it easy just seeing some friends, going to the park, eating lunch with Drew at school, and getting our nails done too! It was a great time and when they had to leave, Drew was so disappointed, he said, "I wished they could stay forever."

Keely and Drake at school lunch
One of Drew's classmate's mom waved at Keely as if it were me. She was pretty surprised when she saw me too and realized Keely wasn't me. And the kids are fascinated when Keely comes that we are twins and look alike. In fact, I went to eat lunch with Drew this week already and one of the kids was making sure I was Drew's mom and not his aunt!
Keely with Drew and Drake at lunch
Drake and Keely at the park where we fed the birds
Lars helped Drake play at the playground


Phillips Family said...

I always get confused...was Lars the guy we played halo with for like seven hours straight when we all lived in Provo? Anyway, family is always nice to have around.