Saturday, December 31, 2011

Pistorius Family Christmas

We were able to see David's grandmother and two of his sisters and their families for Christmas this year. We decided to do a traditional Christmas dinner and it was SO good! Every family pitched in and made something to contribute to the meal. David even carved the turkey!

Here's David with his older sister, Lisa, on his left, and then his grandmother, and Wendy, his younger sister, on the right
Drake even got his own special seat at the table
The table was beautiful and the kids all sat together in the kitchen while the adults were able to sit in the pretty dining room by ourselves. It was so nice!
Can you see Drake upset in this picture? He was getting fussy so Aunt Wendy took him after that and let him eat off her plate. He was happy about that.
All of us - Pistorius family on left, Lucas family in the back, Saenz family on the right, and grandmother in the middle.
David and his grandmother listening to Christmas songs Lisa was playing on the piano. This was the biggest smile I saw his grandmother have on her face all night - you could tell she loved the music.
"the boys" as I call them - all born within the same year.
Drew is in the middle and he is the oldest by almost four months.
Dilan with her gift to open
Showing me what they got in the cousin gift exchange. Drew with a new Thomas movie and Rosie train, Dilan with three new Strawberry Shortcake movies. She would not let them out of her hands the rest of the night and she kept asking to go home so she could watch them in the car.