Sunday, September 4, 2011

Baseball Season 2011 - GO YANKEES!

Drew is playing baseball this season! Technically, it's t-ball still because Drew's birthday falls in the summer and the cut-off was April. But that means he's one of the older kids on his team and that's good for a change. Soccer was actually full by the time we moved here, but I have also wanted to get him exposure to baseball. We know many people who are obsessed with "America's game" but we just aren't. We are football people, a football family, and baseball is just a little too slow for us. That being said, I want Drew to make up his own mind about what he likes and we want him to try many things. As a rule in our family, you have to be involved in something athletic each fall and spring (to teach the importance of exercise, team work, making new friends, winning/losing) and even though kids Drew's age are playing flag football, David thinks he is still too young.

Drew did ask to play football because "it looks like they run a lot." And when I asked what Drew liked about baseball the most, he said, "running bases." This kid just likes to run and he's pretty good at it. While other kids focused on hitting the ball and casually getting to first base, Drew was in an all-out sprint, nearly running into the kid in front of him running from base to base. He may end up being interested in track and field one day but for now, we'll focus on the team sports.

We had a lot of fun at Drew's first baseball game, but it was hot! I got a lot of pictures because David was in the stands with me (instead of busy being the soccer coach) and it was kind of nice. There are three innings in which each kid gets a turn to bat and field a different position. Drew hit the ball on the first time all three times he got up there and he fielded the pitcher's mound which got him some action catching and throwing the ball.

Drew was assigned the number 3 - his Dad's old football number.
Before the game, the kids got in their dark blue and gray clothes in support of Drew and smiled for me. Dilan got this pink Texas Rangers hat at the store today. She's excited to wear a baseball hat! Drake kept taking his hat off.
David and Dilan playing catch outside the fields. Dilan is so ready to play sports!
A precious baby drinking his bottle at a very hot game!
In the stands watching the action.
Drew in action
My number 3
In the dug out
Dilan decided the bleachers were a great place to lie down.
Literally jumping up and down on first base so excited to hit the ball and run there.
so hot outside and Dilan's hair had had it.
Picking up the ball...
throwing to first base.
Drake's snack time.
Drew is ready to go!
Hitting the ball...
running with a smile on his face...
scoring a run! (no score is kept)
End of the game


Wendy said...

So cute! We've never done baseball (my kids didn't want to) but kind of wish they had!! Drew looks precious in his baseball outfit!

Superbowl2012 said...

I remembering my old days. cute boy. I like all your photos. Thanks for the share.
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