Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Field Day 2011

Field Day for Drew was basically a long P.E. day. That is what it was described as and that is what it was. Gone are the days of old-school field day, I guess, or do they still have it like that back in TX? You know, where you are actually on a team, and you wear that color to school. And you actually race and do track and field activities and you actually compete! I have to say this field day was totally lame. Good thing Drew didn't know what to expect because he liked it. I was out in the hot sun with the little kids trying to take pictures of Drew doing the various activities... let's just say if we were here next year, I'd know not to go to field day. So not worth it and if you read my blog, I go to everything Drew has and does so that tells you something. I should have known when I showed up and they were doing the limbo... on field day! Anyway, here's hoping "Beach Day" next week is something worth going to! :)

This activity was to bounce the ball within the hoop. Where was the 50 yard dash?!?!?


SweetmamaK said...

Sadly Kinsey the field days of our youth are gone, they are just like you described LAME activities. Quentin and David are at a 5th and 6th grade campus, their "field" day they went and played kickball at the high school. In between their games they sat in the stands the whole day. LAME doesn't even cover it. They didn't even do the tug of war. I'm sure Rick Perry is behind it! LOL

Amy Pratt said...

I hate to say but my kids' field day is pretty good--not as awesome and competitive as in my day, but pretty good. They do have races (at least the older kids do) but no one wins--that part I hate. I think there should be ribbons or medals, not a participation certificate! They have different games (some are lame) but they do have some cool things. They have a competition between all the grades to see how many laps their grade level can do. No, not super competitive, but it gets the kids running/walking (and their family members can participate) and that's what I like. Yes, it's sad that the youth of today expect praise for just participating and not really earning it!

Amy Pratt said...

That last comment was from Wendy--I'm just in UT on Amy's computer!