Monday, June 13, 2011

Happy Father's Day, David!!!

Since we are leaving this weekend for our summer trip home to Houston, we are missing actual Father's Day with David. And David has not been letting me forget it! So, I decided we would celebrate early with cards, gifts, singing, breakfast in bed in the morning and breakfast for dinner per his request, and a great picture of all three kids with their Dad. It actually turned out well! The boys in blue and our little girl picked out a pink dress for the occasion.

David is truly the best Dad I know. I picked the best for our children, I know that for sure. He loves his family and he loves loves loves our three kids. They are so fortunate to have him as their Dad because they come first (and me as well) and we all know it and feel it. Nothing matters to David more than being a good father and example to the kids. It's the best part of the day "when Daddy comes home" in our house. We love you, David! Happy Father's Day!!!
And we are still looking forward to taking David out to breakfast (see a theme here?) Saturday morning before we leave for Texas!


Phillips Family said...

Dave was/is a great friend and companion (is suppose I should have said missionary companion). I am sure he is a wonderful dad and husband. Happy Father's day Dave.

Kristine Pratt said...

So glad you were able to celebrate early! And that is a fabulous picture! One worth framing for sure!