Wednesday, May 19, 2010

STAR OF THE WEEK!!! - Wednesday

Today for Drew's star of the week we made Fruit Loop Necklaces. These were definitely a hit! Drew had fun making his but most of all eating it. I'm not sure if the whole experience was what brought out his excitement or the sugar high as a result afterwards. But all in all, it was great to see each kid make their necklaces and tie them on and see them eating them. Dilan and I stayed for an hour to work with everyone and make sure they all had their turn. Dilan played with two little boys who must be itching for a little sister because they adore her every time we are there and really take good care of her. They taught her how to doodle today. :)

(And Adam, I got another picture of Little Sam Bradford - he really does look like him!)


Phillips Family said...

SERIOUSLY - Totally freaks me out!!

Rachel said...

I''m glad the necklaces were such a hit! Looks like you guys are having a GREAT week leading up to a fun birthday party on Friday :)