Tuesday, May 18, 2010

STAR OF THE WEEK!!! - Monday

Drew is the star of the week at school right now. He has been waiting and waiting since January to have his turn and it's finally here. He shared his poster yesterday with all of his class and then answered questions from his classmates. It was so cute to see him standing in front of his class and answer questions about himself. He was brave, not nervous and did a fantastic job. When a girl asked him what his favorite fish was, he simply said, "I don't know." He didn't mind that he didn't have an answer and didn't make one up and I was proud of him. He talked about how he has his own room and it's decorated with Thomas the train stuff, his favorite restaurant is the "train restaurant" or La Estacion (Mexican restaurant here in an old train station where you can eat in old train cars), he likes planes, and he told his class that he got a new bike but sometimes he is scared to go down big hills. Drew also shared Thomas stickers with his classmates as well.

As you can see, he and I worked on his poster together. Drew colored it and I helped with getting pictures where we could fit them into his answers (such as wanting to grow up and be a daddy who works on computers).


Phillips Family said...

He is becoming such a little man. What a good boy!! Loved the poster.