Friday, May 14, 2010

15 months

Dilan is 15 mths old now and had her check-up this week. She is in the 90th %tile for height and 75th %tile for her weight. She is a healthy girl and growing strong. I did ask about her eczema and skin issues - the doctor is going to prescribe something stronger for us to use on her. Her face is clearing up a bit (it got really bad in Houston when we were there) but she still seems miserable by it all.

At one point, the doctor said that having asthma, allergies and eczema was a trifecta (all of which David has) - luckily Dilan seems to have only the eczema and the allergies at this point. Although I don't know what the allergies are, the doctor said we could get her tested but at this age, you have to test often because the allergies can change frequently.
Dilan's first word was, "Up!" You can go to my facebook page and watch a video of it there. She really isn't saying much else. She is imitating sounds but not enough to know what she is saying. The doctor wants 6 words in the next three months so Dilan has some work to do! :)


Elieson Family said...

She is absolutely beautiful, Kinsey. Jude goes in for his.. well whenever I make the appointment I suppose! Ha!
When do y'all come out this way?

Kristine Pratt said...

Such cute kids. I love those chairs. I'm sorry she has the allergies, Hayden does too, no fun.